Let’s talk about sex| TC in Spain

Let’s talk about sex, is a training course that seeks to respond to the need of young Europeans to have a better sexual-affective-relational education. We wanted to create this project because, as youth workers, we have identified room for improvement in the sexual education that young Europeans receive today. Girls and boys facing adolescence (as […]


Welcome 2 sustainable city Through the project «Welcome 2 Sustainable City» we intend to analyze the different aspects that intervene in the sustainability of cities. We will not only focus on energy and environmental sustainability, but also on other types of sustainability, not so frequently mentioned, such as social and economic sustainability. Infopack DATE: August […]


intercambio juvenil para reflexionar sobre nuestros valores a través del deporte

workout your values VOL.2 Through the Workout your values vol.2 project we intend to encourage reflection on the importance of values and to know which ones are important to us. We will use different sports (capoeira, ultimate, athletics…) to discuss which values are most important to us as individuals and as part of a society. […]


¿Alguna vez te has planteado construir tu propio gallinero? ¡Nuestros voluntarios y voluntarias de ecolabora lo han conseguido!
Conoce su experiencia en este post.

Musical vox Populi | YE in Croatia

Musical Vox Populi was a youth exchange empowering european youth to use their musical talents and skills to promote change in their communities.

Out of signal | YE in Spain

In the youth exchange «OUT OF SIGNAL» we learn the consequences of the inappropriate use of social networks. We will investigate the psychological consequences of the misuse of social networks. We will also see how to get the most out of our social networks.

Women’s March | YE en Italia

Este intercambio juvenil se centra en el sufragio femenino, las desigualdades de género en las sociedades actuales, los estereotipos y sesgos de género.

Meet the legends | YE in Croatia

STORIES ARE THE BEST TEACHERS: The aim of this youth exchange was to inspire young people to accept and appreciate diversity in their environment and in Europe. Stories and fairy tales have been part of our lives since childhood, so they are a valuable learning method, and a way to acquire new information and broaden […]

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