Welcome 2 sustainable city
Through the project «Welcome 2 Sustainable City» we intend to analyze the different aspects that intervene in the sustainability of cities.
We will not only focus on energy and environmental sustainability, but also on other types of sustainability, not so frequently mentioned, such as social and economic sustainability.
DATE: August 11-19, 2023
PLACE: Navarredonda de Gredos/ Spain
PARTICIPANTS: 38 young people from 20 to 30 years old
COUNTRIES: Spain, Cyprus, Germany, Bulgaria, Croatia and Poland.
LANGUAGE: The working language will be English.
Our objective with the implementation of this project is to create a space for the exchange of knowledge and good practices, thanks to which young people from different cultures and social environments can critically interpret the needs of their respective places of origin and contribute to fight for a society more sustainable. Other objectives of the project are:
- Contribute to the creation of a critical awareness among the participants, so that they are able to identify which situations are detrimental to community life, and how they can act to try to remedy them.
- Promote a healthy lifestyle, based on healthy nutrition and physical activity, taking care that both concepts are in accordance with the protection of the environment. The origin and processing of food, as well as the impact of sporting activity on the environment will be key aspects.
- Identify the main sources of pollution that plague cities and devise possible solutions and alternatives to achieve environmental preservation.
- Promote responsible consumption, as well as the use of resources, recycling and reuse, as an alternative to consumerism and excessive waste generation.