Let’s talk about sex| TC in Spain

Let’s talk about sex, is a training course that seeks to respond to the need of young Europeans to have a better sexual-affective-relational education. We wanted to create this project because, as youth workers, we have identified room for improvement in the sexual education that young Europeans receive today. Girls and boys facing adolescence (as […]

Musical vox Populi | YE in Croatia

Musical Vox Populi was a youth exchange empowering european youth to use their musical talents and skills to promote change in their communities.

Out of signal | YE in Spain

In the youth exchange «OUT OF SIGNAL» we learn the consequences of the inappropriate use of social networks. We will investigate the psychological consequences of the misuse of social networks. We will also see how to get the most out of our social networks.

Meet the legends | YE in Croatia

STORIES ARE THE BEST TEACHERS: The aim of this youth exchange was to inspire young people to accept and appreciate diversity in their environment and in Europe. Stories and fairy tales have been part of our lives since childhood, so they are a valuable learning method, and a way to acquire new information and broaden […]

How to…Quality label | Training course in Italy

The main goal of this project was to have more European organizations working with ESC volunteering, proposing quality projects thanks to shared knowledge and new synergies and partnerships. More specifically, the objectives of the training activity were: to help the participants to understand how to get a quality label tohost/support ESC volunteers for their organizations; […]

I.D.E.A youth exchange

The I.D.EA youth exchange seeks to make young people more aware of their strengths and how to use them in their professional future. It aims to provide the tools and empower the participants to develop their own ideas. Like any youth exchange, a very important part of the program is the cultural exchange between the […]

YE «You are a Star» (part 1)

You are a Star was a youth Exchange for youngsters between14 and 17 years-old coming from Spain and Finland. It was created andimplemented as a cooperation between Brisa Intercultural and Kauhajoki4H-Association. The topic covered in the exchange was sustainableentrepreneurship. The activities included workshops based on non-formaleducation methods about topics such as marketing, negotiations skills, sustainability,public speaking… In […]

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