Refugees welcome es un intercambio juvenil que tiene como objetivo despertar la empatía y comprensión de los jóvenes participantes con respecto a las dificultades que experimentan los refugiados, al mismo tiempo que los apoyaba en la sugerencia de medidas para respaldar la integración de los jóvenes refugiados. Además, buscaba crear conciencia entre los jóvenes sobre el valor de la solidaridad europea y fomentar una red de jóvenes dispuestos a trabajar en pro de la integración de los jóvenes refugiados en sus realidades locales. Este proyecto fue financiado por Erasmus+ a través de la Agencia Nacional Húngara para Erasmus+ Juventud, Tempus Közalapítvány.
Durante su desarrollo, el proyecto logró alcanzar los siguientes objetivos:
- Sensibilizar a los jóvenes sobre el valor de la solidaridad europea.
- Apoyar a los jóvenes en la formulación de medidas para respaldar la integración de los jóvenes refugiados.
- Fomentar la empatía y comprensión de los jóvenes hacia las dificultades que experimentan los refugiados.
- Establecer una red de jóvenes comprometidos que continúen trabajando en la integración de los jóvenes refugiados en sus comunidades locales.
A través de esta publicación, deseamos compartir los logros y el impacto positivo que este proyecto ha tenido en la vida de los participantes y en la promoción de la solidaridad y la integración de los jóvenes refugiados.
Day 1
Day 2
Today, Sunday, 3rd of September, it’s the Purple Family time to make the report of the day.
After breakfast, we had a little energizer and our first workshop was about creating trust. There were two mini games that were similar. Each of us had to lead other people who couldn’t see. This activity helped us understand the importance of communication inside of a team and also the importance of building trust.
After the coffee break we did a sketch by being divided in teams of six. Every team had the same situation, but the value they needed to focus on was different, which have changed the perspectives of creating the sketch. It helped us learn the importance of values, how they change the approach in a situation.
After lunch, the angels of the day made us a surprise with a massage session.
After that, we made a small energizer and got into the next workshop. The theme of this one was about reflecting on happy memories on our lives and the connections they have with our values. We have discovered that our main values make us who we are because they lead to situations in life.
After the coffee break, we were again paired in teams and we had to put in order some values. The rule was to be without democracy, meaning that we all had to agree 100% with the order of the values.
Then we had a nice recap of the day with our families here.
At night, after dinner, there was the Intercultural Night for Romania and Spain. The members from both countries had prepared a presentation and a game and then we all put music and dance.
It was a very nice and full day.
Day 3
Day 4
Day 5
The night started with the the Hungarian and Greek team preparing the intercultural presentation. The Hungarian team showed the traditional Hungarian weeding , organised a quiz interactive game and taught folk dancing. The Greek team presented a mythology video as well as a humoristic one . They couldn’t leave behind their folk dances .
The night closed after the participants tasted the national foods, drinks and snacks from the presenting countries and it was amazing!!
Day 6
Day 7
In the morning we started with an energizer and we spent the rest of the time preparing our sports with the teams from the day before.
Day 8
On the last day, we had the opportunity to learn more about Erasmus+ and European Solidarity Corps.
Through a presentation using memes from the project pictures, the facilitator presented the different programs offered by Erasmus+ and CES, their target group and how can we apply.
The ones with more experience had the chance to play Brisapoli, so they didn’t have to hear the same information as in every project one more time (although this time it was quite funny).
Later we were divided in groups and created our own project ideas. We had proposals about how to prevent peer pressure, gender equality, and wven a TC about artificial inteligence 🙂
And finally the time to say goodby came! We had a very emotional closing ceremony where we were able to say our goodbyes, or better, see you soons!