Projects like EAYP are a need for every youngster. This is a project where young people can improve their capacities and soft skills. Also is an opportunity to develop their own project and start a positive change on their local communities.
The project is co/founded by the European Union with the support of EU Training Academy, coordinated by Szkola Tanca Poezja from Poland and with Brisa Intercultural from Spain and A.T.I.C. from Romania as partners.
The project count on different parts. We did a research on the needs of young people on our communities and we analyzed the strengths and the weakness of every community. During the Training activity that took place in Koscian, Poland between the 12 and the 18 April 2023, volunteers and workers from the partner organizations worked together for develop workshops with young people for improve the soft skills and improve the weakness of every local community.
As part of the training activity we learnt a lot about many things. One of the funniest parts of our routine here where energizers, simple games for wake up our brains and start the activities with energy.
For example, there is a energizer where every participant must make a line. The person that is on the end of the line propose a movement for the person that is in front of him. When they make it the next person must present the same movement to the person that is in front of him. The movement is always changes from person to person!
Also we had really interesting training about the concept and regulations of youth work and about the Erasmus+ programme and all the project that we can develop with it.
We would recommend the Erasmus+ experience to everyone. It is fun and you can learn new skills and self develop. It is an amazing way to get to know better other cultures and traditions. Through this rogrammes you can go out from your comfort zone speaking new languages and practicing English.
Also you can meet international friends and visiting new places that you would never discover by yourself.
The participants contribution were really interesting, I really enjoy how everyone was involved in the development of the project and how people enjoy learning from each others.
Fabio Di Benedetto, Italy
Even these experience has been my first Erasmus + project and seem hard on the beginning, after some days I really enjoyed it and I think I really learn many new things. When I go back to Romania I will implement new ways for working with kids. I can say that I especially liked the board games presentation from Learn to Play project and the intercultural night. I have learned about other cultures and I had the chance for sharing Romanian culture with other youngsters.
Luminita Alecsa, Romania
I really enjoyed this project because gave me the opportunity of meeting with people with more experience than I and I had the chance for learning from their experience. I learn new education methodologies that I will probably use back at my country with my pupils at school. I had the opportunity to collaborate in international teams and have many new experiences.
Andreea Nastase, Romania
EAYP are the perfect environment for develop my skills as youth worker. I learn a lot about new methodologies that other organizations use for empower young people. I think EAYP will improve a lot the quality of my work in the future.
Ana Fernández, Spain